Medical & Travel Assistant Services

Travel Assistance Services
Our network of providers are here to support travelers with their travel needs, whether they are looking for pre-trip information, such as vaccination or visa requirements, or they experience issues, such as lost or stolen travel documents.
Emergency Cash/Bail Assistance
Legal Referrals
Lost Document & Luggage Assistance
Pre-trip and Cultural Information
Travel Intelligence
Travel Risk Management Solutions
Our providers have extensive experience dealing with complex, dangerous, and remote transport and response. Their teams of international, multilingual specialists are accustomed to working in multiple time zones and with multiple languages and currencies. Their global reach means they can work without barriers with a duty of care approach.
Global Risk and Threat Analysis
Real-Time Traveller Tracking and Communication
Security and Medical Incident Response
Enterprise Support and Remote Site Planning
Pandemic Planning and Response
Customizable Mobile App

Medical Transport Services
In a medical emergency, our network of providers ensure emergency medical transport services that have a proven track record of helping travelers get the care they need. They also help contain program costs and coordinates communications across borders and constituents every step of the way home.
Dispatch of Physician
Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
Return of Dependent Children, Travel Companion, and/or Remains
Medical Assistance Services
Our providers offer an array of medical assistance services to support our travelers in need of medical attention. These services range from informational research such as referrals to more robust medical monitoring provided by our clinical team.
Medical Monitoring
Medical Advice
Cost Management & Medical Payments
Medical & Dental Referrals
Mental Health Assistance
Pandemic Assistance