HTH Travel Insurance is a leader in helping world travelers gain access to quality healthcare services all around the globe. HTH combines ongoing research, a contracted global community of physicians and hospitals, advanced Internet applications, and wide experience in international health insurance to ensure customers’ health, safety and peace of mind.
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Why choose HTH Travel Insurance
Worldwide Insurance Services, LLC (Worldwide Services Insurance Agency, LLC in CA and in NY) offers a variety of travel medical insurance across the U.S. under leading brands. HTH offers a wide selection of travel health insurance plans that include coverage for hospital care, surgery, office visits, prescription drugs and medical evacuation. Travel the world with confidence knowing that you have convenient access to a community of trusted English-speaking physicians in more than 180 countries.
Access to Elite Doctors can lead to better diagnosis, treatment and outcomes.
More comprehensive benefits means the coverage is there when you need it.
A - rated (excellent) insurance, offering peace of mind.
Contracted providers bill HTH directly*, which eliminates red tape and the paperwork hassles.
HTH members gain access to critical health and security tools, so the unexpected crisis can either be avoided or quickly resolved.
Comprehensive Plans
Trip Protector Economy
A comprehensive plan that offers travel protection plus travel medical insurance Trip cancellation up to $50,000/Trip interruption up to 200% of trip cost up to 500,000 medical for sickness and injury/$1,000,000 medical transportation TripProtector Preferred coverages plus Cancel for Any Reason (optional). Pre-existing condition exclusion waiver may be available if purchased within 21 days of initial trip deposit( for the Preferred plan and 14 days for the Classic)

AM Best Rating: A (Excellent)
Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Trip Protector Classic
A comprehensive plan that offers travel protection plus travel medical insurance
Trip cancellation up to $25,000/Trip interruption up to 150% of trip cost
$250,000 medical for sickness and injury/$1,000,000 medical transportation
Includes all TripProtector Economy coverages plus Natural disaster, terrorist incident and bankruptcy
Pre-existing condition exclusion waiver may be available if purchased within 14 days of initial trip deposit.

AM Best Rating: A (Excellent)
Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Trip Protector Preferred
A comprehensive plan that offers travel protection plus travel medical insurance
Trip cancellation up to $50,000/Trip interruption up to 200% of trip cost
$500,000 medical for sickness and injury/$1,000,000 medical transportation
TripProtector Economy and Classic coverages plus Cancel for Any Reason (optional).
Pre-existing condition exclusion waiver may be available if purchased within 21 days of initial trip deposit.

AM Best Rating: A (Excellent)
Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Travel Medical Plans
Single Trip option for travelers with primary health insurance
Short term international travel medical plans for leisure, educational, missionary or business travel
Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles
For trips outside the U.S. up to 6 months for ages 95 or younger
Covers pre-existing conditions for medical services and medical evacuation.

Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Single Trip option for travelers without primary health insurance
Short term international travel medical plans for leisure, educational, missionary or business travel
Choice of varying medical limits and deductibles
For trips up to 6 months for ages 95 or younger
Covers pre-existing conditions for medical evacuation.

Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Multi Trip Annual Plan
Medical Benefits Essential Choice
Maximum International Benefits per Insured Person per policy period: $500,000* $1,000,000*
For Individuals aged 70 - 95, the Maximum International Medical Benefit for Multi-Trip Preferred is $100,000. Deductible per Insured Person per policy period
Covers all international trips (up to 70 days duration per trip) in a 12 month period.

Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Speciality Plans
International Students & Faculty
Coverage for international students and faculty in the U.S. and Abroad
Unlimited medical maximum
Deductible waived for office visits/J1 Visa compliant options
No waiting period for preventive services

Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Outbound option for Students & Faculty
Short term health insurance for U.S. students and faculty traveling Abroad
Up to $1 million in coverage
Medical, Evacuation, RX, AD&D
No hospital pre-certification penalty

Underwritten By: United States Fire Insurance Company
Underwritten Location: 5 Christopher Way, Eatontown, NJ 07724
Contact Information for HTH Travel Insurance
> Customer Service
> Hours of Operation
Weekdays, 8:00am - 8:00pm ET
> Claims Hours of Operation:
Weekdays, 8:00am - 8:00pm ET
> Claims Contact
Tel: 888-243-2358
Fax: 610-293-3528
> Mail to
HTH Travel Insurance
c/o Claims Department
933 First Avenue
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406